It's Another Blog Tour. This time I went with a bit of a different genre then I usually do.

About the book:
Do your to do lists have footnotes? Has your fam suggested a rabies shot because your bite has surpassed Rover’s?
Maybe it’s time for a healthy dose of truth gift-wrapped in humor. With her own offbeat brand of wit and near-wisdom, inspirational humorist Debora Coty addresses the heart-needs of desperate women drowning in the churning everyday stress-pool of busyness.
In Too Blessed to Be Stressed, you’ll find simple, practical steps for attaining the peace that you crave as you struggle with the stresses of finances, health, career, relationships, self-image and family. You’ll discover healing, refreshment, and revitalization for your own spirit, body and mind through heart-changing real life stories, biblically based insights, and short chapters for on-the-run convenience.
Click the book to buy it :]
About Josh and Bob:
My Thoughts:
The book has a lot of wisdom, however, I believe it was presented poorly. Mothers and grandmothers are not teenagers, they are grown women. And this book seemed to of had been written for a teenage audience with stress quizzes and the like. When I was little I desperately wanted this "journal" for girls that had every quiz imaginable...what guy is right for you, how you should do your hair, what make you should wear, what kind of friends you should have, how I should paint my nails on Wednesday vs. Friday.. So I asked my mother. And I must say thank you to God for giving me this kind of mother because her reply to me was, "You don't need that." She had also said some other things about the book, but in short she told me the book was trash. I still wanted it because Susie Joe had it, but mom was always there to say,"no". And I'm sure you can figure out for your selves why buying that book would have been a huge mistake.
I got the same feeling when reading this book. Not the, "I really like people telling me what to do based off of a random quiz of which I cannot tell if it is accurate or not". But the feeling of, "What am I...8?".
Other people may not feel this way. If you like to take quizzes I encourage you to read it for your self.
To celebrate the release of her latest laugh-out-loud book, Too Blessed to Be Stressed
, Debora Coty is hosting the Too Blessed to Be Stressed KINDLE Giveaway!
Too Blessed to be Stressed is a fun-filled read overflowing with insights and practical tips. Perfectly delicious for living happily ever after!
-Rhonda Rhea, best-selling author of Whatsoever Things Are Lovely
Debora has created a “Too Blessed” prize package worth over $150! One grand prize winner will receive:
* A brand new Latest Generation KINDLE with Wi-Fi and Pearl Screen
* Too Blessed to Be Stressed by Debora Coty (for KINDLE)
To enter just click one of the icons below. Hurry! The giveaway ends August 25th. Winner will be announced on the evening of the 18th during Debora's De-Stress Facebook Party! Debora will be hosting a "life-preserver" chat (it’s okay if you haven’t read the book – who knows, you might WIN a copy!), testing trivia skills, swapping funny stories, handing out some decom-stress tips, and giving away tons of great stuff! (Chocolate, books, and more!) Hope to see you there. Bring your friends and join the fun on August 25th at 5:00 PM PST (6 PM MDT, 7 PM CDT, & 8 PM EDT).
Also - be sure to check out Debora's series of Stress-Buster videos at her website: Also, be sure to check out the photo caption contest she's running on her blog for a chance to win a copy of Too Blessed to Be Stressed.
Thank You to Litfuse for providing me with this book for reviewing purposes.
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