Okay so lately, and if you read my advertisement for my recently created blog you would know, I've been going through textbooks. Specifically Veritas Press Textbooks. So, of course, with most textbooks that encompass lots of different subjects (i.e. history, art, science, theology, etc...), they have a reading list, of which I have been gifted with from my mother. Talk about really wishing your child with he best education; she stretched her dollar to buy me these resources and I will forever be grateful because the textbook is really good. Anyway,here is the reading list that was given to me (mom is great, give her some chocolate cake):

I also picked up a really great series, one that I started to read when I was younger but never got to it. I'm listing in the order they go in:


I also traded a book in BookMooch for:

And I bought:

But this one has a cooler cover:
I also traded in a book for:

I guess you could say I'm going through my yearly myth and fantasy phase :] Next I'll be in my theology phase and then my biography phase and then I'll be in my comical phase and so on a so forth...do you have any suggesion for phases I should go through? Or have you read any of the above books? Leave a comment a tell me what you think.
Also, if you like to book swap like myself check out the following links:
May 11, 2011 at 12:24 AM
Very inspiring post! Have a great day.
May 11, 2011 at 11:31 AM
Well I'm glad you liked it. I hope I've add to your TBR pile.
May 13, 2011 at 8:47 PM
Just saw this post and I have to say that your mom gets a giant piece of cake from me for suggesting Plutarch's Lives and Herodotus. As a huge Greek history nerd, I'm a fan of anyone who finds these books to be worth diving into.
The Landmark books are incredible because of all the maps, pictures, and timelines they provide. The Landmark Thucydides has gotten me through countless papers for history and philosophy courses that I took in college and has earned itself the title of Gabe's Favorite Non-Fiction Book Ever. If you get through Herodotus' history of the Persian War, I highly suggest reading Thucydides' account of the Peloponnesian War.
Okay, forget about one piece of cake. Your mom gets a dozen cakes from me. No, make that a baker's dozen.
And now I'm done being a huge nerd.
May 14, 2011 at 7:06 PM
I liked your nerdy comment :] I you like thee books so much you should go comment on my blog about it: anotsoridiculouseducation.blogspot.com
I don't think she even knows what's in those books, but she knows tat I needed them, so kudos to mom :] Really expensive...
I really need comment on my other blog, even if they're not in agreement with me. As a matter of fact, that's one of the points of the curriculum. It teaches you how to back up your beliefs. So the more controversial to my own opinion the better :]
I'll have to read that other book. I'm really excited about them all.
May 15, 2011 at 5:31 PM
I keep meaning to follow your other blog and I will do it right now. These last few weeks have been so hectic that things just keep slipping my mind.
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