I'm not going to rate this book because I do not rate non-fiction books. I explain what I liked or disliked about them. You can check out some of my other thoughts on this book at my other blog: Perhaps I'm Ridiculous (<--Click Here) Here is my review:
As of the beginning of this year, my mother and I have been reading a book together every afternoon. This was our first together. I sometimes think that we started reading it because she thought it might help tame my rebellious behavior. She might have been right. I can't say for sure whether it has or not, but I can say it brought up a lot of discussion. I believe this to be the reason why we hadn't finished it until now. I personally agree with every last sentence in this book. I will say however that when we first started reading it, I wanted ever so badly to find fault with it. So as you can probably guess I took great care to come up with a good argument against it. I was surprised to find none. If you read this book you will get a pretty good (not exact) glimpse of my personal beliefs. I hope that you will enjoy it too. I highly recommend it to young woman. And if you like interesting twists, maybe read it with an older partner.
May 9, 2011 at 6:14 PM
I like the fact that you and your mom read books together. It reminds me of how my grandmother and I would swap books all the time when I was growing up. :)
May 9, 2011 at 7:27 PM
Awe, that's cool. My grandfather and I still do that. Right now he's in the middle of trying to find m another copy of The Creature From Jekyll Island. I'm pretty excited about it.