I usually wait to post reviews on Saturday (new rule) but I just couldn't wait with this one.

Let me just say that I loved this book. It's a graphic novel that I'm not afraid to hand down to my siblings. I will be keeping this book for my collection. This is the second book in the series. I read this one first because I wanted to know if I could just pick up anywhere in the series and understand what's going on. And you can! I think this takes a lot of effort and will add to your series. And because I liked this one so much, I'm going to go back and read the others.
Plot: 5 Stars
I love a good mystery. (Note that I said good.) It's so hard to find a really good mystery. This might be because I hold every mystery themed book up to the standard of Aurthur Connan Doyle's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. They are literary works or art, in my opinion. But for a child who likes Nancy Drew (Which, by the way, I'm also in love with) or the Hardy Boys or Encyclopedia Brown (For you newer generations) this really is a great read. The plot is well written and will leave you wondering, "Who done it?". Like I said before, you can also just pick this book up and not feel like you have to read the first in the series.
Characters: 5 Stars
The main characters are Erik Ganger and Sadie and Saskia Dopple. It's funny, the word "Doppleganger" means to have an identical copy of themselves. And the two sisters are twins. But "doppleganger" doesn't mean twins. Just to have seen an identical copy of ones self with having anyway to see your reflection. I wonder how this plays into the story. Some people think that to see a doppleganger means death. Anyway, the two sisters and the boy were "abandoned" by their parents at this school. Maybe this is why their characters are drawn together.
Action: 4 Stars
There was a ton of action in this book! And all was clean. Maybe a little suspenseful, but clean. I'm totally okay with giving this to my 8 year old sister and letting her read it. I can't say this about everything, almost nothing.
Romance: 5 Stars
There was none. Which made it all the better.
There was none. Which made it all the better.
Length: 4 Stars
The length was perfect. Everything flowed nicely into each other, and I can't wait to go read the first and buy the last when it comes out.
The length was perfect. Everything flowed nicely into each other, and I can't wait to go read the first and buy the last when it comes out.
Overall: 5 Stars
I loved this audio book. It was great and I'm so glad my first experience with audio books was a good one. I can't wait to share it with my family.
Tyndale House Publishers has provided you with a complimentary copy of this book.
April 12, 2011 at 7:23 PM
August 21, 2022 at 1:26 AM
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