Every 20th Follower Feature

Yay!!! I first started to feature every 20 followers with Ellie from Curiosity Killed the Bookworm (<--Click Me) And after that i just couldn't wait until my 40th follower, which is of course the next 20th follower. And guess who?

Crystal from Just Another Book Lovin' Girl (<-- Click Me)

You should all go follower her because she is just awesome...don't believe me?? You soon will:

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Crystal, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Southern California. I've lived here all my life with my mom and 3 sisters. A few of my favorite things are reading, blogging, photography and even a little scrapbooking.

What is your favorite genre?
I have a lot of favorites but mystery is at the top of my list.
What is/are your favorite book(s) of all time?
My all time favorites list is always growing but the ones I'm crazy about right now are The River of Time Series by Lisa Bergren and The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins.
What is/are your least favorite book(s) of all time?
I feel bad giving specific book names so I'll just give you my least favorite genres. I've tried a few Fantasy and Horror novels but I've ended up not finishing them mostly because I can't "get into" them.
What about writing do you like or dislike?  
I love that writing is like an escape for both the author and reader. You're taken into another world where there are no limits to what you can do. When it comes to writing there are so many possibilities and it's an amazing creative outlet.
Can you remember your first review ever? If so what book was it on?
The very first review I posted on my blog was for an audio Bible called The Word of Promise Next Generation.
What got you started in blogging your book reviews?
I think I had seen someone post a link to BookSneeze on Twitter in 2009 and I decided to try it out. I started my blog that day and I've had so much fun these past two years.
What do you like to do when you aren't blogging?

I like reading, spending time with my family, taking pictures of my adorable dogs, and playing Super Nintendo with my niece =D I also enjoy gardening and cooking with my mom.

*Sigh*...yeah. We are totally going to be friends her and I...  :]

So here is a review she recently posted for us to enjoy : 

'20 Random Facts About Me'

Haha. It so fits for today huh? Well, recently she lost all of her followers. So if you were one of her followers, go make sure you still are. And if you've never heard of her, you should so go follower her. 

Thanks for stopping by Crystal! It was a breath of fresh air to have you :] 

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